an impression
intro : kid watching daddy,s porno - wow hello head strong start (but i did love the scenery they made up with that bike, the steamy back alley, that was visually nice)
cocktail drink - nice chit chat
back home - bedtime - kid (dad when you were beating your friend xD - cute) explaining being horny : that was the cutest shit ever! And mom and dad being open and comprehensive (that we all have the weel spinning inside of us - everyone ! it's normal) that was brilliant!
watching ex gig with wife - i guess - why not - (i mean, hot ass gay dude from original UK Queer as Folk did that with a treesome too back when that aired : he brought home 2 guys, had wild intense sex, recorded, and then watched it with both, while having a drink and laughing at funny moments - for me that's like a whole new level of maturity and step back from sex as a some elite exlcusive shit.
meeting with ex star for new gig at bar ; "Porno is an art but people can't see that." Dude. My only discrimination on that is : depending on your set. Do you have a nice background, decors, maybe costumes, a nice theme, actors - maybe a story line who knows - i'm being extra - then yes, it can be art. Ooohhh "They are made by butchers" xD I'm starting to like you, mate.
"Sadly, this is no country for real art. Where there is no life, there can't be real art. A real talent will rot here, while maggots are giving a press conference." OMG i jizzed at this monologue
"whip your cock, and fuck until it's raw." -- snort laughs
This could have been such an amazing deep web shit - honestly - hardcore shit - private clients - the rich ass director..... deep web shit!
mandatory jogging scene : surprise surprise ; it's not a chick running but the infamous Milos
Dick : holy fuck man............. you may be cute but that thing is not!
meditation to get it hard ? xD *snort laughs* oohkay what ever works man
brother : sorry have to go to the bathroom
me : to jerk off eh ...
brother : jerks off
me : dude, you're not original for a penny here....
Milos : still jogging
Vukmir "With great talent comes a great desire for self-fuckability." (Good line!)
my friend Stephen pitching in : pouahaha Homage to Stan Lee and Spider man! (me ; rest in peace and all that good shit)
Vukmir : Who wants to know what a porn movie is about. It's a bit absurd.
ME : DuDe. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT A PORN MOVIE IS ABOUT. Otherwise i wouldn't watch it. If Jefferfield porn wasn't Jefferfield, i wouldn't watch. If Korean porn wasn't Korean porn, i wouldn't watch. If Overwatch porn wasn't about Overwatch, i wouldn't watch. If sibling incest wasn't sibling incest; i wouldn't have those fantasies in my head. Stop being an egoistical selfish cunt.
Vukmir : "Milos, this is a serious organization. My clients know exactly what they want, and i know what' I'm doing.
Peter asking Milos about wheels and how to make them turn - imagine a family travelling - follow them - This shit is so fucking cute !!!! <3 -="" aaawwww="" are="" ass="" at="" better="" cuteness="" dad="" div="" dude="" fine="" he="" is="" legit="" like="" material="" me="" melting="" night.="" of="" seriously="" some="" spinning="" that="" wheels="">
At the orphenage school location : is the mother a paid actress or is this shit is real.... ? Wonder how muc she was paid
teen girl eating popsickle while Milos gets a blowjob : classic psychological association to slowly endocrinate him into the future business
Big brother being bored as fuck during a blowjob : dude - you're gay. There's no other way to break it to you. Get a guy in that bed.
Big brother watching younger brother's porn movie : rofl --ohkay
Oooh Big Bro is jelly cakes about Baby Bro's police stick not getting limpy wimpy - ouh lala
Female ex Co-Star fucking animals and it's not as bad: ookay, woman, that's your life. I draw my line at humans (though i have a preference for demons and Krampuses)
Beat up blond being beaten by cop "[...] His whoring wife....
Me : yeah because society has made the monogamy gig the primordial shit -- hence why i disagree with dating
Milos hitting the cop : NIIIICE !!
Vukmir : "Her mother fucked everything, from stones to barbed wire. You're like a Sunday picnic for her."
Me : Hm.... still doesn't beat riding Satan's dick in a church basement. I win, bitch. Best ride of my life! Ask your stones to compete with that!
Big Bro intels Small Bro : Vukmir worked as a psychologist; What did i tell ya!
"If he's done any movies, no one has seen them."
Dude; dark web. Told you so.
Vukmir being an over the top I'm savior of the world complex
Dude : chill your dick! it's been blown too much too hard.
Vukmir : Victim sells, Milos. Victim is the priciest sell in the world.The victim feels the most and suffers the best.
Me: Dude. Ever heard of Martyrs ? They come in free. And suffer the best fucking suffering possibe. I'm sorry but the French are a step ahead the game here.
Baby rape scee insinuated - : just mute the volume and look away. Milos drives home with a boner;
ME: dude, if i can help you on this. This is human animal raw bullshit at it's core. Anything remotely sexual will get the wheels turning. That simple. My vagina reacts to odd stuff too sometimes. We are not the moralistic altruistic apologetic cunts we pride ourselves to be.
Vukmir speech about Newborn porn as a genre... with gusto and passion
Because we, as a species, are that level of depraved
Because we, as a species, are that level of depraved
(OFF MENTAL COMMENT: if the black haired dude tied to chair being tortured is Vukmir - i'm gonna jizz in my pajamas; that cunt needs a severe bringing back down to earth moment)
Back to milos.... walking with a .... dude, plumbers in porno don,t walk around with tiny cute pipes.... just saying
Milos is drugged - used as a cattle - hard sex - beheading - necrophilia
Well, on the last aspect i can't exacly disaprove. I mean sorry but who ever in the fucking world has ever loved ONE vampire - you're basically a necophiliac, bitch. Vampires are DEAD walking blood sucking creatures. So yeah. Deal with it.
Ha! Knew that blue eyed crew guy was gay! The way he had held Milos in the beginning --
Teethless woman forced for a blowjob on masked dude.
Blowjobs are So fucking overrated it's unreal.
Milos would rather cut off his dick than have sex with a minor :D Definitely, my respect for this man is growing. <3 div="">
My poor baby Milos being all fucked up T-----T (corner store scene)
Two cunts wanting to fuck an underaged girl is perfectly A-Okay, but a man jerking off to said girl is NOT okay.... oh you two faced cunt society of my ass.
Vukmir having his grandiose ego trip moment in the car - dude you need hella chillax with your ego complexes, i'm telling ya
Milos being drugged - drugging the doctor woman (who i think overdosed and died?) : Nice move man! You're definily my type of cunt! <3 div="">
Oooh so the masked man was his brother fucking the convetted wife -
I can't believe they drugged his son and made him.... now that was fucked up
oh, the she-bitch doctor lives... what a shame
Milos go ape and smashes Vikmur Vukmir what ever his name is face on the ground - wife goes against brother in law and rips his throat open with bare teeth - ahan ahan
Me : i would have cut his dick off, but that's me, i have a thing against dicks used for violence
Milos fucking the eyesocket of the driver - interesting - a hole is a hole after all that was said
Did he just punch his wife ?
The son -- being conscious -- drugged -- raped by his own father that he loves -- that.....
Me : but it's dark web creepypasta as fuck though! THIS is exactly what you'd expect in a dark web creepypasta to happen (reference that one about the guy who lost his family who became a lone what d'you call em.... vigilante ... who ends up STILL being puppet maneuvered into killing his long lost child)
Milos hugging the wife -
Milos holding gun
ME: See, this is WHY i value murder over rape; murder erases all pain, rape leaves everything behind for life.
If anything : this movie left me almost teary eyed at the end
Except that the real end is - and obviously!! "Start with the little one" Because let's face it, the human race is a the core an animal with the intellectula capacity to appreciate the depravity of what we can inflict at the highest degree available on this planet and dimesion.
ONLY COMPLAINT OF THIS MOVIE ; considering it's a porn actor, with porn scenes; i never got the wheels turning............. kinda sad.....