Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 Resolutions

1 - Get my hair done : back to brown or reddish with curls and waves - black and straight is boring as hell. Fits other ppl better. Lesson learned. Get my bangs back too. I miss them.

2 - Get Tattooed! My design is finally final, though I will consult with Alex about adding 2 items but most likely I am feeling like it's a goer. It'll seal the ... three/trinity thingie stuff.

3 - Get 2 BJDs. I want the Soom new line of super tall guys (with the monk robe for a starers) and that gorgeous brunette from ... forgot where but I will find her.

Girl :
Size : super gem girl
Boy 1 :
Size : IDealian 72, Mega gem

4 - Maybe rework my story A Small Journey Into Love with the dolls - like a photoroman - add more substance maybe.

5 - Potentially get a second guy doll to do as above with C#3

6 - In April, get the Samsung Galaxy S3 upon renewal of my mobile phone with Videotron

7 - Donate more of my books to the library. Go through DVDs and do the same. Only keep the special ones.

8 - Make more illustrations / posters

9 - Attend the local Fan-Anime convention in August

10 - Bake my own bread

11 - learn to swim and dive

12 - write down every dream that i have manually written down on paper, copy each one that was posted on the net and sort them in chronological order.

13 - Read more. My poor library card hasn't been scanned in over a year! It must be so very depressed and sad... poor baby!

14 - Get Tanith Lee's Flat Earth Series in both English and French!

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